On November xixthursday 1994, the showtime episode of Spider-Man: The Animated Series aired on television. The series – a sprawling re-telling of classic Spider-Man stories – quickly became a fan-favourite bear witness and ran for five seasons, terminal on Jan 31st 1998.

In total, 65 episodes of Spider-Homo: The Animated Serial were produced. In this mail you volition find a listing of every episode, starting with one.) Night of the Lizard and finishing with 65.) Cheerio, Spider-Man.

Before I list all 65 episodes, here is what you lot need to know about each season:

  • Flavour One – The start season comprises 13 episodes and largely focuses on introducing villains. The majority of the episodes are either adapted from, or have inspiration from, issues of The Amazing Spider-Human being.
  • Flavour Two – The 2d season of Spider-Human being: The Animated Series comprises 14 episodes, all falling under the banner heading of 'Neogenic Nightmare'. Neogenic Nightmare is the story curvation that ties all 14 episodes together.
  • Season 3 – The third season comprises 14 episodes and runs under the imprint heading of 'The Sins of the Fathers'.
  • Season Iv – The fourth flavor comprises 11 episodes, all falls under the banner heading of 'Partners in Danger'.
  • Season V – The 5th season comprises 13 episodes and breaks from the format of the previous seasons by focusing largely on multi-part stories (five episodes, two episodes etc). The opening episode, 'The Hymeneals', is the only single-episode story in this flavour.


Episode list for Spider-Man: The Animated Series

Spider-Man: The Blithe Series, season by season…

Flavor One (1994 – 1995)

Image: ©Curiosity Entertainment
  • 1 Dark of the Lizard
  • two The Spider Slayer
  • iii Return of the Spider Slayers
  • 4 Medico Octopus: Armed and Dangerous
  • v The Menace of Mysterio
  • 6 The Sting of the Scorpion
  • 7 Kraven the Hunter
  • eight The Conflicting Costume – Role 1
  • ix The Alien Costume – Part ii
  • x The Conflicting Costume – Office 3
  • 11 The Hobgoblin – Part ane
  • 12 The Hobgoblin – Role ii
  • 13 Day of the Chameleon


Flavor 2 – Neogenic Nightmare (1995 – 1996)

Image: ©Marvel Entertainment
  • 14 The Insidious Six
  • 15 Boxing of the Insidious Six
  • sixteen Hydro-Man
  • 17 The Mutant Calendar
  • 18 Mutants' Revenge
  • 19 Morbius
  • 20 Enter the Punisher
  • 21 Duel of the Hunters
  • 22 Bract, the Vampire Hunter
  • 23 The Immortal Vampire
  • 24 Tablet of Time
  • 25 Ravages of Time
  • 26 Shriek of the Vulture
  • 27 The Last Nightmare


Season Three – The Sins of the Fathers (1996)

Image: ©Marvel Entertainment
  • 28 Doctor Foreign
  • 29 Brand a Wish
  • 30 Attack of the Octobot
  • 31 Enter the Greenish Goblin
  • 32 Rocket Racer
  • 33 Framed
  • 34 The Man Without Fear
  • 35 The Ultimate Slayer
  • 36 Tombstone
  • 37 Venom Returns
  • 38 Carnage
  • 39 The Spot
  • forty Goblin State of war!
  • 41 Turning Betoken


Flavour Four – Partners in Danger (1997)

Image: ©Marvel Entertainment
  • 42 Guilty
  • 43 The Cat
  • 44 The Black True cat
  • 45 The Render of Kraven
  • 46 Partners
  • 47 The Awakening
  • 48 The Vampire Queen
  • 49 The Return of the Green Goblin
  • fifty The Haunting of Mary Jane Watson
  • 51 The Lizard King
  • 52 The Prowler


Flavour Five (1997 – 1998)

Paradigm: ©Curiosity Entertainment
  • 53 The Nuptials
  • 54 Six Forgotten Warriors – Part 1
  • 55 Six Forgotten Warriors – Part 2: Unclaimed Legacy
  • 56 Half dozen Forgotten Warriors – Part 3: Secrets of the Half-dozen
  • 57 Half dozen Forgotten Warriors – Function iv: The Six Fight Again
  • 58 Six Forgotten Warriors – Part 5: The Cost of Heroism
  • 59 The Return of Hydro-Man: Part 1
  • sixty The Return of Hydro-Human: Part two
  • 61 Undercover Wars – Part i: Arrival
  • 62 Hugger-mugger Wars – Part 2: The Gauntlet of the Red Skull
  • 63 Secret Wars – Function 3: Doom
  • 64 Spider Wars – Function 1: I Really, Really Detest Clones
  • 65 Spider Wars – Part 2: Farewell, Spider-Man


If you lot would similar to know which are the best episodes of Spider-Man: The Animated Serial, and so please take a look at: The best episodes of Spider-Man: The Animated Series . This post will give you a rundown of the must-encounter stories across the 65 episodes.

And should you lot want to know details about the Spider-Man movies, and then please take a look effectually this blog where you will observe information about all of the entries in the Spidey film serial, including the '70s era movies, the Sam Raimi trilogy, The Amazing Spider-Man movies, the MCU films and more.

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